Contact Us
Do you have questions about our products, your order, or where to find Eduards products in stores? Feel free to reach out via email to shop@eduardsaccessories.se.
Welcome to Eduards Studio!
Eduards Accessories Studio // Showroom is located at Kastellgatan 11 in the gallery district of Linnéstaden, Gothenburg. Retailers and private customers are welcome to book a personal meeting at the studio to take a behind-the-scenes look, try out the models, and shop. Online orders can be picked up at the studio by arrangement. For appointments, please contact hello@eduardsaccessories.se.
Become a Retailer?
If you are interested in becoming a retailer for Eduards Accessories, please contact Cecilia Eduards at cecilia@eduardsaccessories.se.
Press Inquiries
Please contact Sara Diebitsch, The PR Agency, Västmannagatan 27, 11325 Stockholm. Mobile: +46 733-601124, Office: +46 8-7411244, Email: sara.diebitsch@thepragency.net, www.thepragency.net